Interface Query

public interface Query

Represents a query stored on the UCMDB server.

If the query was created using TopologyQueryFactory.createNamedQuery(String), the first call to either getDefinition, queryType, queryVersion, or queryReferenceDefinition will result in a server call to fetch the query information.

Method Summary
 QueryDefinition getDefinition()
          Returns a client-side representation of the definition of the query on the server.
 java.lang.String getName()
          The name of the query.
 QueryReferenceDefinition queryReferenceDefinition()
          Returns the reference definition of this query, if any exists, or null if the query is "regular" (definition based).
 QueryType queryType()
          The query type.
 QueryVersion queryVersion()
          Returns the version of this query as it was saved on the server.
 ExecutableQuery toExecutable()
          Transforms this object into a query that can be run with TopologyQueryService.executeQuery(ExecutableQuery)

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
The name of the query.


QueryDefinition getDefinition()
Returns a client-side representation of the definition of the query on the server. The returned object is used to run a query.
You can use this method to get a query that you can modify and then run using TopologyQueryService.executeQuery(QueryDefinition). The methods of theExecutableQuery interface are sufficient for most such modifications.
If those methods are not sufficient for the requred modifications, run the modified definition with TopologyQueryService.executeQuery(QueryDefinition) in order for the modifications to take effect.
Modifying the returned object does not change the query definition stored in the UCMDB.


ExecutableQuery toExecutable()
Transforms this object into a query that can be run with TopologyQueryService.executeQuery(ExecutableQuery)

an object suitable for execution


QueryType queryType()
The query type.

the query type.


QueryReferenceDefinition queryReferenceDefinition()
Returns the reference definition of this query, if any exists, or null if the query is "regular" (definition based).

the query reference definition or null.
See Also:
queryType(), QueryType


QueryVersion queryVersion()
Returns the version of this query as it was saved on the server. Versions are updated on save.

the version of this query as it was saved on the server.

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