Interface QueryDefinition

All Superinterfaces:

public interface QueryDefinition
extends BundledResource<QueryDefinition>

Definition of a UCMDB TQL query.

Examples of simple queries:

Method Summary
 QueryNode addNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          Adds a new node to the query.
 java.lang.String baseQueryName()
 java.lang.String debugDescription()
          Returns a human-readable full description of this query definition to be used debugging the query definition.
 java.lang.String description()
 QueryDefinitionFirstLoadStrategy firstLoadStrategy()
          Returns the setting for when a saved query should first be loaded and calculated.
 QueryLink getLink(java.lang.String linkName)
          Returns the query link with the specified name or null if node does not exist.
 QueryNode getNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          Returns the node with the specified name or null if node does not exist.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends QueryLink> links()
          Returns the links defined in this query as a map of names to links.
 java.lang.String name()
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends QueryNode> nodes()
          Returns the nodes defined in this query as a map of names to nodes.
 QueryDefinitionRecalcPriority recalcPriority()
          Returns the setting for how soon a saved query is recalculated after data change.
 boolean removeLink(java.lang.String linkName)
          Removes the named link from this query definition.
 boolean removeNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          Removes the named node from this query definition.
 ExecutableQuery toExecutable()
          Converts this query definition into an executable query object for passing to TopologyQueryService.executeQuery(ExecutableQuery).
 QueryDefinition withBaseQueryName(java.lang.String baseQueryName)
          Sets this query to run over the result of another query.
 QueryDefinition withDescription(java.lang.String description)
          Sets a human-readable description of the query definition purpose.
 QueryDefinition withFirstLoadStrategy(QueryDefinitionFirstLoadStrategy firstLoadStrategy)
          Sets when a saved query should first be loaded and calculated.
 QueryDefinition withRecalcPriority(QueryDefinitionRecalcPriority recalcPriority)
          Sets how soon a saved query is recalculated after data change.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.ucmdb.api.bundles.BundledResource
bundleNames, withBundles

Method Detail


java.lang.String name()
The name of the query definition.


java.lang.String description()
A human-readable description of the query definition purpose.


QueryDefinition withDescription(java.lang.String description)
Sets a human-readable description of the query definition purpose.

description - the description.
this object for method chaining.


QueryNode addNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
Adds a new node to the query. The resulting object can be used for specifying conditions on IDs, properties, and links, and for specifying which properties are queried for the CIs matched.

The type of the node must be specified or the query is invalid. Specify the type with the ofType or the strictlyOfType method.

nodeName - name of this node. The name must be unique in this query.


QueryNode getNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
Returns the node with the specified name or null if node does not exist.


QueryLink getLink(java.lang.String linkName)
Returns the query link with the specified name or null if node does not exist.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends QueryNode> nodes()
Returns the nodes defined in this query as a map of names to nodes.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends QueryLink> links()
Returns the links defined in this query as a map of names to links.


ExecutableQuery toExecutable()
Converts this query definition into an executable query object for passing to TopologyQueryService.executeQuery(ExecutableQuery).


QueryDefinitionRecalcPriority recalcPriority()
Returns the setting for how soon a saved query is recalculated after data change.


QueryDefinition withRecalcPriority(QueryDefinitionRecalcPriority recalcPriority)
Sets how soon a saved query is recalculated after data change.

Note: This is relevant only to saved queries. Query definitions that are executed ad-hoc ignore this parameter.

The default is QueryDefinitionRecalcPriority.LOW.


QueryDefinitionFirstLoadStrategy firstLoadStrategy()
Returns the setting for when a saved query should first be loaded and calculated.


QueryDefinition withFirstLoadStrategy(QueryDefinitionFirstLoadStrategy firstLoadStrategy)
Sets when a saved query should first be loaded and calculated.

Note: This is relevant only to saved queries. Query definitions that are executed ad-hoc ignore this parameter.

The default is QueryDefinitionFirstLoadStrategy.LOAD_ON_FIRST_REQUEST.


java.lang.String debugDescription()
Returns a human-readable full description of this query definition to be used debugging the query definition.

the full description of this query definition.


QueryDefinition withBaseQueryName(java.lang.String baseQueryName)
Sets this query to run over the result of another query. The scope of the query is not the whole universe but over the subset defined by the a result of another query.

Limitations (not final):

These limitations do not affect ExecutableQuery#onTopOfQuery.

If a value is set with ExecutableQuery#onTopOfQuery, it overrides the value set here.

baseQueryName - name of the query that specifies the "universe" for this query to run on, or null to disable this feature. May not be empty string.
this object for method chaining.
See Also:


java.lang.String baseQueryName()
the base query name for this query definition, or null if no base query was set.
See Also:


boolean removeLink(java.lang.String linkName)
Removes the named link from this query definition.

This method also removes the link from all query link conditions on all nodes.

linkName - the name of the link to remove.
true on removal success. false if a link by the given name was not found.


boolean removeNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
Removes the named node from this query definition.

This method also removes all of the node's attached links.

nodeName - the name of the node to remove.
true on removal success. false if there is no node with the specified name.

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