Interface ViewService

public interface ViewService

Provides viewing system services.


Method Summary
 View createViewStub(java.lang.String viewName)
          Creates a View - a "stub" that holds the view name and allows retrieval of the view definition.
 boolean deleteView(java.lang.String viewName)
          Deletes a view identified by viewName from the UCMDB.
 com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(java.lang.String viewName)
          Executes a view identified in the UCMDB by the view name and returns the result.
 com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(java.lang.String viewName, ViewExecutionOptions options)
          Executes a view identified in the UCMDB by the view name and returns the result.
 com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(View view)
          Executes the given view and returns the result.
 com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(View view, ViewExecutionOptions options)
          Executes the given view and returns the result.
 com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeViewDefinition(ViewDefinition viewDefinition, ExecutableQuery query)
          Executes the given view definition and returns the result.
 com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeViewDefinition(ViewDefinition viewDefinition, ExecutableQuery query, ViewExecutionOptions options)
          Executes the given view definition and returns the result.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getAllViewsBundleNames()
          Returns a map between each bundle name that contains views to a collection of its bundled views.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getBundleNamesToViews()
          Returns a map between each bundle name that contains views to a collection of its bundled views.
 ViewFactory getFactory()
 FoldersManagementSubService<ViewFolder,View> getViewsFoldersSubService()
          Returns the sub service regarding folder management.
 ViewFolder getViewTree()
          Queries the whole views tree organized in folder structure.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> hasChanges(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResultVersion> views2check)
          Returns a set of view names for which: the results of the query under it were changed since the result version was created, the view definition creating it was changed, or the query definition under it was changed.
 boolean hasChanges(java.lang.String viewName, java.lang.String viewResultVersionAsString)
          Same as hasChanges(String, ViewResultVersion), but accepts the result of {ViewResultVersion#asString()}.
 boolean hasChanges(java.lang.String viewName, com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResultVersion viewResultVersion)
          Returns true if the results of the query under the given view were changed since the result version was created, if the view definition creating this view was changed, or if the query definition under the view definition was changed.
 java.lang.String registerViewDependenciesChangeListener(ViewDependenciesChangeListener listener, ViewManagementListenerFilter filter)
          Registers a listener to be called when a change occurs in view dependencies
 java.lang.String registerViewManagementListener(ViewManagementListener listener, ViewManagementListenerFilter filter)
          Registers a listener to be called when view management change occurs.
 void saveView(ViewDefinition viewDefinition)
          Saves the view definition to the server, updating an existing view by the same name if such exists.
 ViewDefinition stringToViewDefinition(java.lang.String str)
          Given a string created by viewDefinitionToString(com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.ViewDefinition), this methods returns a copy of the original ViewDefinition.
 void unregisterViewDependenciesChangeListener(java.lang.String listenerId)
          Unregisters the specified view dependencies change listener.
 void unregisterViewManagementListener(java.lang.String listenerId)
          Unregisters the specified view management listener.
 void validateBulk(ViewValidationBulk bulk)
 java.lang.String viewDefinitionToString(ViewDefinition viewDefinition)
          Given a ViewDefinition this method returns the view's string representation.
 DependsOnView whoDependsOn(java.lang.String viewName)

Method Detail


ViewFactory getFactory()


View createViewStub(java.lang.String viewName)
Creates a View - a "stub" that holds the view name and allows retrieval of the view definition.

It is possible to create View stubs for non-existent views. However, further operations on those stubs fail.

This method does not communicate with the UCMDB server. However, operations from the stub object do communicate with the UCMDB server. They fetch the view definition and related information. See View for details.


ViewFolder getViewTree()
Queries the whole views tree organized in folder structure.

the root folder


com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(java.lang.String viewName)
Executes a view identified in the UCMDB by the view name and returns the result. The view must not have non-assigned query parameters.

The view is executed with a default options object. See ViewExecutionOptions for details.

the view result.


com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(java.lang.String viewName,
                                                    ViewExecutionOptions options)
Executes a view identified in the UCMDB by the view name and returns the result. The view must not have non-assigned query parameters.

This method uses the options object passed to it.

the view result.


com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(View view)
Executes the given view and returns the result. The view must not have non-assigned query parameters.

The view is executed with a default options object. See ViewExecutionOptions for details.

the view result.


com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeView(View view,
                                                                ViewExecutionOptions options)
Executes the given view and returns the result. The view must not have non-assigned query parameters.

This method uses the options object passed to it.

the view result.


com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeViewDefinition(ViewDefinition viewDefinition,
                                                                          ExecutableQuery query)
Executes the given view definition and returns the result. The given executable query is used instead of the view query name. If a null query is supplied, the view is executed over the query name specified in the view definition. The view must not have non-assigned query parameters.

The view is executed with a default options object. See ViewExecutionOptions for details.

If a PerspectiveBasedViewReferenceDefinition is passed, the specified ExecutableQuery is ignored.

the view result.


com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResult executeViewDefinition(ViewDefinition viewDefinition,
                                                                          ExecutableQuery query,
                                                                          ViewExecutionOptions options)
Executes the given view definition and returns the result. The given executable query is used instead of the view query name. If a null query is supplied, the view is executed over the query name specified in the view definition. The view must not have non-assigned query parameters.

This method uses the options object passed to it.

If a PerspectiveBasedViewReferenceDefinition is passed, the specified ExecutableQuery is ignored.

the view result.


void saveView(ViewDefinition viewDefinition)
Saves the view definition to the server, updating an existing view by the same name if such exists.

If a view by the same name exists, it is overwritten. If that view is attached to a folder, its position remains the same. Otherwise, the view is created in the root folder.

If the view is a perspective based view, additional queries may be created (auto-generated) to represent the perspective hierarhcy.

viewDefinition - the definition to save.


boolean deleteView(java.lang.String viewName)
Deletes a view identified by viewName from the UCMDB.

If the view is a perspective based view, the entire (auto-generated) perspective instances hierarhcy is deleted.

true if a view was deleted, false if it was not found.


FoldersManagementSubService<ViewFolder,View> getViewsFoldersSubService()
Returns the sub service regarding folder management.

the sub service regarding folder management.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getBundleNamesToViews()
Returns a map between each bundle name that contains views to a collection of its bundled views.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getAllViewsBundleNames()
Returns a map between each bundle name that contains views to a collection of its bundled views.


java.lang.String registerViewManagementListener(ViewManagementListener listener,
                                                            ViewManagementListenerFilter filter)
Registers a listener to be called when view management change occurs.

listener - a listener to be called when a view management change occurs
filter - filters view management changes
registration ID


void unregisterViewManagementListener(java.lang.String listenerId)
Unregisters the specified view management listener.

listenerId - registration ID of the listener


java.lang.String registerViewDependenciesChangeListener(ViewDependenciesChangeListener listener,
                                                                    ViewManagementListenerFilter filter)
Registers a listener to be called when a change occurs in view dependencies

listener - a listener to be called when a view management change occurs
filter - filters the changes by name and/or bundles of a root view (dependent)
registration ID


void unregisterViewDependenciesChangeListener(java.lang.String listenerId)
Unregisters the specified view dependencies change listener.

listenerId - registration ID of the listener


boolean hasChanges(java.lang.String viewName,
                               com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResultVersion viewResultVersion)
Returns true if the results of the query under the given view were changed since the result version was created, if the view definition creating this view was changed, or if the query definition under the view definition was changed.

This API is similar to TopologyQueryService.hasChanges(java.lang.String, com.hp.ucmdb.api.topology.QueryResultVersion) However, this method:

The restrictions and notes for TopologyQueryService.hasChanges apply to this method.

viewName - the view whose query is to be checked.
viewResultVersion - the version to check changes from.
true if there were any changes in the query results. false if no changes or if the query does not support changes.


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> hasChanges(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.result.ViewResultVersion> views2check)
Returns a set of view names for which: the results of the query under it were changed since the result version was created, the view definition creating it was changed, or the query definition under it was changed.

The restrictions and notes for TopologyQueryService.hasChanges apply to this method.

views2check - view names whose query is to be checked.
the set of changed views.


boolean hasChanges(java.lang.String viewName,
                               java.lang.String viewResultVersionAsString)
Same as hasChanges(String, ViewResultVersion), but accepts the result of {ViewResultVersion#asString()}.

viewName - the view whose query is to be checked.
viewResultVersionAsString - the asString() result of the version to check changes from.
true if there were any changes in the query results, false if no or if the query does not support changes.
See Also:
hasChanges(String, ViewResultVersion)


DependsOnView whoDependsOn(java.lang.String viewName)


void validateBulk(ViewValidationBulk bulk)


java.lang.String viewDefinitionToString(ViewDefinition viewDefinition)
                                        throws UcmdbException
Given a ViewDefinition this method returns the view's string representation. The conversion from ViewDefinition to string is done in the server, requiring a server request.

This string representation is not guaranteed to be version compatible and should not be serialized for long term storage.

viewDefinition - - the view definition to convert
String representation of the given view definition


ViewDefinition stringToViewDefinition(java.lang.String str)
                                      throws UcmdbException
Given a string created by viewDefinitionToString(com.hp.ucmdb.api.view.ViewDefinition), this methods returns a copy of the original ViewDefinition. The actual conversion from string to ViewDefinition is done in the server, requiring a server request.

str - - view's string representation
query definition represented by the given str

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