Interface QueryResultChange

public interface QueryResultChange

Describes the change of a query result.

Note that the general contract for topologies does not apply here since the topologies from this interface are breakdown fragments. The general contract is:
If a topology A and B are created from the same active query and they have the same query result version, then A's CI and Relation structure is equal to B's structure. Properties are not necessarily equal."


Method Summary
 Topology getAddedTopology()
          Returns the structure containing the elements added to the result of the query.
 java.lang.String getQueryName()
          The name of the query whose result has changed.
 QueryResultVersion getQueryResultVersion()
          Returns the query result version after the change.
 Topology getRemovedTopology()
          Returns the structure containing the elements removed from the result of the query.
 Topology getUpdatedTopology()
          Returns the structure containing the elements in the query result whose properties were updated.
 boolean hasAddedTopology()
          Checks whether this elements were added in this change.
 boolean hasRemovedTopology()
          Returns true if if this change contains removed elements.
 boolean hasUpdatedTopology()
          Checks whether this elements were updated in this change.
 boolean isMassiveTopologyChange()
          Checks whether the change is too large to be handled with this mechanism.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getQueryName()
The name of the query whose result has changed.


boolean isMassiveTopologyChange()
Checks whether the change is too large to be handled with this mechanism. If isMassiveTopologyChange returns true, all the has* methods return false. In this case, the application can get the new information by rereading the result of the query.

true if a large change has occured


boolean hasAddedTopology()
Checks whether this elements were added in this change.


Topology getAddedTopology()
Returns the structure containing the elements added to the result of the query.


boolean hasRemovedTopology()
Returns true if if this change contains removed elements.

true if this change contains removed elements


Topology getRemovedTopology()
Returns the structure containing the elements removed from the result of the query.


boolean hasUpdatedTopology()
Checks whether this elements were updated in this change.


Topology getUpdatedTopology()
Returns the structure containing the elements in the query result whose properties were updated. Only the properties that changed are returned with their CIs and Relations.


QueryResultVersion getQueryResultVersion()
Returns the query result version after the change. If topology breakdown is available (isMassiveTopologyChange() is false), then for each non-empty topology (Topology.isEmpty() is true), the query result version in that topology is the same as this version.

the version of the query result after this change

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