Interface QueryNodeRestrictions

All Superinterfaces:
InterQueryRestrictableElement<QueryNodeRestrictions>, PropertiesConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>, QualifierConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>, TypeConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>

public interface QueryNodeRestrictions
extends PropertiesConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>, TypeConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>, QualifierConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>, InterQueryRestrictableElement<QueryNodeRestrictions>

Represents conditions on a node to further restrict a query defined in the UCMDB. These conditions are anded with the conditions defined in the stored query.


Method Summary
 java.util.Collection<UcmdbId> ids()
          The collections of IDs to restrict.
 QueryNodeRestrictions property(java.lang.String propertyName, Operator operator, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String conditionName)
          This method is not supported in QueryNodeRestrictions.
 void restrictToIds(java.lang.Iterable<UcmdbId> ids)
          Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.
 void restrictToIds(UcmdbId... ids)
          Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.
 void restrictToIdsFromStrings(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> ids)
          Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.
 void restrictToIdsFromStrings(java.lang.String... ids)
          Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.ucmdb.api.topology.PropertiesConditionable
propertiesCondition, propertiesConditionBuilder, property, property, withPropertiesConditions
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.ucmdb.api.topology.TypeConditionable
isTypeStrict, noDerivedTypes, ofConfigurationItemType, ofITWorldType, ofType, strictlyOfType, type
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.ucmdb.api.topology.QualifierConditionable
qualifierMatchingStrategy, qualifiersRestrictiedTo, restrictToQualifiers, restrictToQualifiers, withQualifierMatchingStrategy
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.ucmdb.api.topology.InterQueryRestrictableElement
addInterQueryElementRestrictions, addInterQueryElementRestrictions, interQueryElementRestrictions

Method Detail


void restrictToIds(java.lang.Iterable<UcmdbId> ids)
Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.


void restrictToIds(UcmdbId... ids)
Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.


void restrictToIdsFromStrings(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> ids)
Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.


void restrictToIdsFromStrings(java.lang.String... ids)
Restricts the set of CIs matching the node to those with the specified IDs.


java.util.Collection<UcmdbId> ids()
The collections of IDs to restrict.


QueryNodeRestrictions property(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                           Operator operator,
                                           java.lang.Object value,
                                           java.lang.String conditionName)
                               throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
This method is not supported in QueryNodeRestrictions.

Specified by:
property in interface PropertiesConditionable<QueryNodeRestrictions>
propertyName - the property name to create the condition on.
operator - the operator to use.
value - the value of the property condition, must be of the "correct" type or assignable. Some operators can recieve null as empty values.
conditionName - the condition name. May be null. See CompletePropertyCondition.withConditionName(String) for details.
the current object for method chaining.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - This method is not supported in QueryNodeRestrictions and always throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
See Also:

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