Interface ProcessSignature

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProcessSignature

Represents a set of rules to detect the existence of a specific process.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCmdLine()
          Returns the string that identifies this process if found in the command line.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of this ProcessSignature object.
 java.lang.String[] getPorts()
          Returns the ports that are part of the definition of this process.
 boolean isPortsRequired()
          Checks whether the ports are required for the detection of this ProcessSignature.
 boolean isRequired()
          Checks whether this ProcessSignature is required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs.
 ProcessSignature notRequired()
          Sets this ProcessSignature to be optional for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to.
 ProcessSignature required()
          Sets this ProcessSignature to be required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to.
 void setCmdLine(java.lang.String cmdLine)
          Sets the string that identifies this process if found in the command line.
 void setIsPortsRequired(boolean isPortReq)
          Sets the ports that are part of the detection to be required or optional.
 void setPorts(boolean isRequired, java.lang.String... ports)
          Sets the ports that are part of the detection of the process represented by this object.
 void setRequired(boolean isRequired)
          Sets whether this ProcessSignature is required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to.
 ProcessSignature withCmdLine(java.lang.String cmdLine)
          Sets the string that identifies this process if found in the command line.
 ProcessSignature withPorts(java.lang.String... ports)
          Sets the ports that are part of the detection of the process represented by this object.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of this ProcessSignature object.

name the name of this ProcessSignature object.


java.lang.String[] getPorts()
Returns the ports that are part of the definition of this process.

the ports that are part of the definition of this process. If there are no ports, returns an empty array.


java.lang.String getCmdLine()
Returns the string that identifies this process if found in the command line.

the string to find in the command line string.


boolean isRequired()
Checks whether this ProcessSignature is required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs.

true if this ProcessSignature is required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to.


boolean isPortsRequired()
Checks whether the ports are required for the detection of this ProcessSignature.

true if the ports are required for the detection of this ProcessSignature.


void setPorts(boolean isRequired,
              java.lang.String... ports)
Sets the ports that are part of the detection of the process represented by this object. A call to this method overrides previous calls to it or to withPorts(int ... ports).

isRequired - If true, the ports have to be detected for the identification of this process. If false - the ports are optional.
ports - the ports that are part of the detection process.


void setCmdLine(java.lang.String cmdLine)
Sets the string that identifies this process if found in the command line. A call to this method overrides the previous call to it or to withCmdLine(String CmdLine).

cmdLine - the string to find in the command line string.


void setRequired(boolean isRequired)
Sets whether this ProcessSignature is required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to. A call to this method overrides the previous call to it, to required() and to notRequired().

isRequired - true if this ProcessSignature is required to the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to.


ProcessSignature withCmdLine(java.lang.String cmdLine)
Sets the string that identifies this process if found in the command line. A call to this method overrides a previous call to it or to setCmdLine(String CmdLine).

cmdLine - a string which should be scanned in the command line in order to detect the process.
this object with the change (for chaining)


ProcessSignature required()
Sets this ProcessSignature to be required for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to. A call to this method overrides a previous call to it, to setRequired(boolean isRequired) and to notRequired().

this object with the change (for chaining)


ProcessSignature notRequired()
Sets this ProcessSignature to be optional for the detection of the SoftwareSignature it belongs to. A call to this method overrides a previous call to it, to setRequired(boolean isRequired) and to required().

this object with the change (for chaining)


ProcessSignature withPorts(java.lang.String... ports)
Sets the ports that are part of the detection of the process represented by this object. A call to this method overrides previous calls to it or to setPorts(boolean isRequired, int ... ports). Ports that are set by this function are optional and not required for the detection process.

this object with the change (for chaining)


void setIsPortsRequired(boolean isPortReq)
Sets the ports that are part of the detection to be required or optional.

isPortReq - true if required.

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