Interface CIErrorData

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CIErrorData
extends CIData

The data of a CI object including error information. The data relates to the most recent action. A successful action clears the data from a preceding action that resulted in an error. An action with an error overwrites the error data from a previous action. The data includes details such as Error data, Related Host, Related IPs, UCMDB Object ID and etc.

Method Summary
 ErrorID getErrorId()
          Returns the ID of the error that resulted from the most recent action.
 java.lang.String[] getErrorParams()
          Returns the values of the error message parameters.
 java.lang.String getJobId()
          Returns the ID of the job that created the CI.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Returns the long message text from the last error.
 int getMsgCode()
          Returns the message number.
 ErrorSeverity getSeverity()
          Returns the severity of the last error.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.ucmdb.api.discovery.types.CIData
getCIId, getCIType, getDDMProbeName, getRelatedHost, getRelatedIPs

Method Detail


ErrorID getErrorId()
Returns the ID of the error that resulted from the most recent action.

the ID of the last error.


java.lang.String getJobId()
Returns the ID of the job that created the CI.

the ID of the job that created the CI.


java.lang.String[] getErrorParams()
Returns the values of the error message parameters.
An error message contains a variable number of parameters. This method returns the values for the parameters for this error. The order of the returned array is the same as the order in the definition of the error message in the error properties file.

the values of the parameters in the error message.


int getMsgCode()
Returns the message number.
For example, if the error properties file contains this definition:
           DDM_ERROR_MESSAGE_SHORT_20 = Failed execution
           DDM_ERROR_MESSAGE_LONG_20 = Failed executing job, details: {0}
then getMsgCode returns 20.

the message number.


java.lang.String getMessage()
Returns the long message text from the last error. The parameters in the long message text are replaced with the actual argument values before returning the message.

the long message text from the last error.


ErrorSeverity getSeverity()
Returns the severity of the last error.

a value of enum ErrorSeverity.

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