Interface DDMConfigurationService

public interface DDMConfigurationService

Services to configure a Discovery and Dependency Management system.
The DDM server can be configured with an XML or by getting the the DDMProbe.

Method Summary
 DDMProbe getDDMProbe(java.lang.String probeName)
          Returns the specified DDMProbe.
 java.util.Collection<DDMProbe> getDDMProbes()
          Returns the DDMProbe objects that report to this DDM server.
 java.lang.String getDiscoveryConfigurationXML()
          Returns the discovery system configuration XML.
 DiscoveryFactory getDiscoveryFactory()
          Returns the DiscoveryFactory used to create the objects required by this service.
 void setDiscoveryConfigurationXML(java.lang.String xmlString)
          Sets the discovery system configuration based on input XML.

Method Detail


java.util.Collection<DDMProbe> getDDMProbes()
Returns the DDMProbe objects that report to this DDM server.
Changes made to a DDMProbe affect the DDM server.

the collection of DDMProbe objects that report to this DDM server.


DDMProbe getDDMProbe(java.lang.String probeName)
Returns the specified DDMProbe.
Changes made to a DDMProbe affect the DDM server.

probeName - the name of the DDMProbe to return.
the DDMProbe, or null if no probe of the specified name exists.


DiscoveryFactory getDiscoveryFactory()
Returns the DiscoveryFactory used to create the objects required by this service.

the DiscoveryFactory used to create the objects required by this service.


java.lang.String getDiscoveryConfigurationXML()
Returns the discovery system configuration XML. The XML contains the ranges information of each DDM Probe, the credentials information, discovery parameters, and an indication of whether the discovery DDM probe is active.

the discovery system configuration XML.


void setDiscoveryConfigurationXML(java.lang.String xmlString)
Sets the discovery system configuration based on input XML. The XML contains the ranges information of each DDM Probe, the credentials information, discovery parameters, and an indication of whether the DDM probe is active.

xmlString - the configuration XML as returned by getDiscoveryConfigurationXML.

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